The demand for product X depends on the price of product X as well as the average household income (Y) according to the following relationship
Qdx = 400 - 10 P + 0.001Y
The supply of product X is positively related to own price of product X and negatively dependent upon W, the price of some input. This relationship is expressed as:
Qsx = 60 + 5 P - 2 W
Given that Y = 10,000 and W = 6, what is the:
1. Equilibrium price?
2. Equilibrium quantity?
Suppose that income increases to 20,000 and W remains constant. What is the new:
3. Equilibrium price?
4. Equilibrium quantity?
Assuming that income remains constant at 20,000 and W increases to 11, what is the new:
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