Given utility function U= X0.5Y0.5 where Px= 12 Birr, Bir, Py=4 Birr and the income of
the consumer is, M= 240 Birr.
A. Find the utility maximizing combinations of X and Y.
D. Calculate marginal rate of substitution of X for Y (MRSX.Y) at equilibrium and inierpiet
your result.
Expert's answer
"MU_x=0.5 \\frac {y^{0.5}}{x^{0.5}}"
"MU_y=0.5 \\frac {x^{0.5}}{y^{0.5}}"
"{\\frac{MU_x}{p_x}}=\\frac {MU_y}{p_y}"
"x \\times p_x+ y \\times p_y=M"
"12 \\times x+4 \\times y=240"
"x=10, y=30."
"\\frac {\\partial U}{\\partial x \\partial y} =\\frac {0.25} {(xy)^{0.5}}"
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Assignment Expert
17.02.20, 15:50
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Jira Desta
15.02.20, 10:57
When price of tea in local café rises from Br. 10 to 15 per cup,
demand for coffee rises from 3000 cups to 5000 cups a day despite no
change in coffee prices. determine cross price elacticity and what
kind of relation exists between the twoo goods?
Assignment Expert
14.02.20, 16:54
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sehen tebebu
14.02.20, 12:03
thank you so much and God bless you more
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
When price of tea in local café rises from Br. 10 to 15 per cup, demand for coffee rises from 3000 cups to 5000 cups a day despite no change in coffee prices. determine cross price elacticity and what kind of relation exists between the twoo goods?
Dear sehen tebebu, You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
thank you so much and God bless you more
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