The main macroeconomic goals include:
- stable growth in national output;
- stable price level;
- high level of employment;
- maintaining a balanced foreign trade balance.
These goals are interconnected and interdependent.
As for measures to prevent inflation, note the following:
- repayment of inflationary expectations;
- conducting a course aimed at strengthening the purchasing power of the national currency;
- measures to reduce the budget deficit;
- the use of administrative measures (for example, compulsory delivery by exporters of part of the proceeds of currency to the state; restrictive measures to export foreign currency, etc.);
- stimulation of cash savings (increase in interest payments, the return of part of the “failed” as a result of inflation of savings to special target accounts, etc.);
- improvement and simplification of the tax system;
- confiscation-type cash reform
Research results show that, depending on the country, average annual inflation rates in the range of 1–5 percent provide the best conditions for economic growth.
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