Is fiscal deficit always greater than revenue deficit ?- Yes,it is. FIscal deficit always greater than revenue deficit
If there are no borrowings then will the fiscal deficit be zero ? No,it will not. If there are no borrowings the fiscal deficit isn't to be zero
Is fiscal year and financial year both same for the economy ?No, they ate not the same
If fiscal deficit rises then will the primary deficit also rise ? Yes, it will
Payment of fees to a lawyer engaged by the firm - will it be included in national income ? Yes, it will.
But both fiscal and financial year starts from 1 April Also if revenue deficit rises , fiscal deficit would not rise as if in capital budget , cap receipts are greater than cap exp then fiscal deficit will be = revenue deficit+ cap exp - cap receipt so in this fiscal deficit will be smaller than revenue deficit. And fiscal deficit = borrowings so how can in case of no borrowings fiscal deficit cannot be zero .
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