The following information represents the National Income Model of an 'Utopian' economy
Y = C+I+G
C= a+b(Y-T)
T= d+tY
where a>O; O<b<1
d>O; O<t<1
G=Government Expenditure
i) Explain the economic interpretation of the parameters a,b,d and t
ii) Find the equilibrium values of income, consumption and taxes.
Expert's answer
a – autonomous consumption, which is independent on disposable income; b – slope of the consumption function; d – constant autonomous lump-sum tax; t – rate/proportion of income tax. An expression, which determines income, consumption and taxes at equilibrium: Y̅ = 1/1-b x (a - bT + I + G).
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28.03.18, 09:51
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Sylvia Malombe
27.03.18, 09:37
Hi, thank you for your quick response. Kindly I thought it was for
free until I saw am suppose to pay. Unfortunately I cannot afford it.
I wish you could help me. Thank you and stay blessed/.
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26.03.18, 17:12
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26.03.18, 10:24
This is excellent can i post more questions? You have really helped
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Dear customer, Unfortunately, many questions require a lot of work and cannot be done for free. Please submit it with all requirements as an assignment to our control panel and we'll assist you.
Hi, thank you for your quick response. Kindly I thought it was for free until I saw am suppose to pay. Unfortunately I cannot afford it. I wish you could help me. Thank you and stay blessed/.
Dear Sylvia, You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
This is excellent can i post more questions? You have really helped me. God bless you.
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