For the following items, follow the directions, write the correct answer in the blank, or circle the correct answer.
Having applied for a job at the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, you are given the following hypothetical data to study before your interview. Figures are total value in billions of dollars.
Household spending on:
Services = $3,008
Nondurable goods = $1,776
Durable goods = $706
Business spending on plant and equipment = $815
Wear and tear on factory equipment = $200
Inventory changes = $9
New homes constructed = $397
Existing homes which were destroyed = $123
State and Local Government spending on:
Consumption = $540
Investment = $113
Federal Government spending on:
Consumption = $691
Investment = $132
Depreciation of government assets = $245
Transfer Payment = $2,936
Imports = $855
Exports = $961
A. What is the total value of consumption spending in this economy? _______________________
B. What is the total value of private investment spending in this economy? __________________
C. What is the total value of government purchases in this economy? ______________________
D. What is the total value of net exports in this economy? _______________________________
E. Using the expenditure approach, what is GDP for this economy? _________________________
F. Which entries in the table are not counted as part of the economy’s GDP? _________________
ECON 201 – Macroeconomics
Measuring National Income - GDP
Name _____________________________
Billions of dollars
Exports $367
Dividends 60
Consumption of fixed capital 307
Corporate profits 203
Compensation of employees 1,722
Government purchases 577
Rents 33
Taxes on production and imports 255
Gross private domestic investment 437
Corporate income taxes 88
Transfer payments 320
Interest 201
Proprietors’ income 132
Personal consumption expenditures 1,810
Imports 338
Social Security contributions 148
Undistributed corporate profits 55
Personal taxes 372
Net foreign factor income 0
Statistical discrepancy 0
Net Domestic Product = _________________________________
National Income = _____________________________________
Personal Income= _____________________________________
Disposable Income = __________________________________
Expert's answer
Household spending on: Services = $3,008 Nondurable goods = $1,776 Durable goods = $706 Business spending on plant and equipment = $815 Wear and tear on factory equipment = $200 Inventory changes = $9 New homes constructed = $397 Existing homes which were destroyed = $123 State and Local Government spending on: Consumption = $540 Investment = $113 Federal Government spending on: Consumption = $691 Investment = $132 Depreciation of government assets = $245 Transfer Payment = $2,936 Imports = $855 Exports = $961
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