it is often said management is a art and social science comment?
Expert's answer
Management as a science, is formed on the basis of practical experience of organization, based on the entire amount of knowledge about how to manage, accumulated by mankind, and contains the concepts, theories, principles, methods and forms of governance. Its main objectives are:
- An explanation of the nature of managerial work; - Determination of cause and effect in this area; - Identification of factors and conditions of effectiveness of joint work; - Development of an efficient management; - Prediction of events, methods of strategic management and organizational policies.
At the same time, there are reasons to consider management as art of: - Organization - the complex socio-technical systems; - People who work in them - the main factor in the effectiveness of their operation; - Practically learn to manage is possible only through experience that people are fluent with relevant talent; - In decision-making manager, as a rule, does not have all of the information necessary for it; - No one can ever guarantee the correctness of decisions a manager that will be implemented in the future as to provide a "future" mortal simply not given.
All this makes it one of the most important factors of managerial ability ofart to trust intuition and courage in making a variety of conditions making any complexity.
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