Extract the GDP, employment rate, investment, education, political stability or other socio-political, institutional and economic factors for all the economies. Run the regression analysis both for the conditional and unconditional convergence for a sample of developed countries and developed countries, each separately and an aggregate analysis for the global economy. The selection for the development level categories can follow regional divisions or international organization membership, etc.... (For e.g. OECD, Western Economies, OPEC, BRICS, etc) . Plot the respective convergence analysis scatter plots depicting the convergence behaviour. (Use the average per capita GDP growth between 1990 and 2020 as a dependent variable and GDP growth rate in 1960 as the independent variable for the unconditional regression analysis. For the conditional convergence, use additional
In the case above, the focus will be on the 2021 GDP of developed countries as shown below;
"States\\space (GDP: 20.49 \\space trillion)"
"China \\space (GDP: 13.4 \\space trillion)"
"Japan: (GDP: 4.97\\space trillion)"
"Germany: (GDP: 4.00\\space trillion)"
"United \\space Kingdom: (GDP: 2.83 \\space trillion)"
"France: (GDP: 2.78 \\space trillion)"
"India: (GDP: 2.72 \\space trillion)"
"Italy: (GDP: 2.07 \\space trillion)"
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