Write briefly, the type of system/solution you are proposing, indicate from which category of the NDP2030 plan is the problem you identified and why you chose that area. Provide a list of your proposed system objectives (i.e. the requirements of the proposed solution) . Prepare a word document proposal containing detailed description of the problem, the current structure (algorithm) or what is currently happening, one or two paragraphs explaining the algorithm, and how you to intent to solve the defined problem (problem solution).
The chosen area is public service.
The national planning commission has highlighted unevenness in state capacity. it has been noted that the uneven performance of the public service resulted from the interplay between a complex set of factors which includes tensions in the political-administrative interface, skills deficits, poor organization design, instability and authority, instability of administrative leadership, low staff morale, and inappropriate staffing.
Proposed solutions
stabilize political-administrative interface- this can be achieved through a focus on skills and professionalism by clarified political-administrative which ensures a clear separation between roles.
Development of technical and specialist professional skills- this can be arrived at by reinvigorating role in producing the specialist technical skills that are essential to fulfill its core functions and provide appropriate career paths for technical specialists.
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