In Canada between June and July in 2016, the number of full-time jobs increased by 63,200 while part-time jobs fell by 108,800. The unemployment rate increased from 6.4 percent to 7.2 percent. The labor force participation rate increased from 66.5 percent to 66.6 percent.
i. Explain the link between the rise in the participation rate and the rise in the unemployment rate.
Calculate the nominal GDP for 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Calculate real GDP for 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Calculate growth rate of nominal and real GDP for 2017 and 2018.
Are nominal and real GDPs same for a given year? Please explain. Calculate the inflation rates for 2017 and 2018 using GDP deflator method.
ii. If all the workers who entered the job market were discouraged searches, explain how the R5 unemployment would have changed.
The labor force participation rate is the proportion of individuals who are in the working
population, whereas unemployment is the number of persons who are out of work but actively
looking for job. The link between a rise in the participation rate and a spike in the rate of
unemployment is that since no full-time jobs have been lost, the unemployment rate has climbed
to some degree.
The labor force participation rate is the proportion of individuals who are in the working
population, whereas unemployment is the number of persons who are out of work but actively
looking for job. The link between a rise in the participation rate and a spike in the rate of
unemployment is that since no full-time jobs have been lost, the unemployment rate has climbed
to some degree.
There are people in the workforce, and there are people who are searching for work, but there are also those who are not in the workforce but are actively seeking for work. Since no full-time jobs have been lost as a result of the increase in the participation rate, the unemployment rate has risen as well.
Nominal GDP =quantities purchase*base year price
While we have the
Capital stock at the end of 2017 = $46.6 billion.
Capital stock at the end of 2018 = $47.0 billion.
So the NGDP in 2018 = (47-46.6) billion $0.4 billion..
Real GDP in 2018 =$2.8 billion
and the net Growth rate is $0.4 billion.
So the depriciation in 2018 = $2.4 billion.
Deflator = "(NGDP\/RGDP)\u00d7 100"
= "(0.4\/2.8)\u00d7100"
Inflation = "(Deflator in current-deflator in previous)\/deflator in previous"
Inflation = "(14.287-7.2)\/7.2"
Inflation= 0.9843
The percentage of persons in the workforce is known as the labour force participation rate, while the number of people actively looking for work is known as the unemployment rate. The rise in the participation rate is linked to an increase in the unemployment rate since there has been no growth in the number of full-time jobs. Part-time work have dropped in quantity, which raises the unemployment rate.
If all workers were discouraged searchers in the job market, then R5 would not have changed
because the quantity of discouraged searchers is not included in the unemployment rate.
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