Find on NBER-CES Manufacturing Database the data for sectors, number of total employees and production workers («naics», «emp», «prode»)
Average those numbers in aggregated sectors of production
Rank sectors by skill intensity (from lowest to highest)
Skill intensity is measured by classes of number of Production Workers in thousand;
Production Workers = Unskilled Labor;
Notice: The highest value of «prode» out of total employment corresponds to the lowest level of skill intensity.
Classify sectors by skillness quartiles (25% least skilled sectors, 25% medium-low skilled, 25% medium-high skilled, 25% highly skilled sectors) using the rank in the first part
Choose 3 developing and 3 developed countries and calculate their exports to the US within those sectoral groups
Test graphically for the Leontieff paradox
Discuss your results
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and the Center for Economic Studies (CES) of the United States Census Bureau collaborated on this database, which contains annual industry-level data on output, employment, payroll and other input costs, investment, capital stocks, TFP, and various industry-specific price indexes from 1958 to 2018. The database is available in three versions, one with 459 four-digit 1987 SIC industries, another with 473 six-digit 1997 NAICS industries, and a third with 364 six-digit 2012 NAICS industries, due to changes in industry classifications throughout time.
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