Consider an economy with a continuum of firms with productivity "\\theta^i \\backsim N(\\bar{\\theta},\\sigma^2_\\theta)."
Assume linear technologies: "\\frac{dB^i_t}{B^i_t}=\\theta^idt+\\sigma dW_t+\\sigma_1dW_{i,t}"
Aggregate capital "B_t=\\int B^i_tdt"
The law of large numbers "\\implies\\frac{dB_t}{B_t}=(\\bar{\\theta}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2_\\theta t)dt+\\sigma dW_{t}"
higher dispersion of productivity increase the drift rate of aggregate capital (and hence, investments, consumption etc).
Moreover, aggregate price is increasing in "\u03c3_\u03b8" . Given a log-normal SDF and assuming only one dividend
"D_T = B_T" at T we have
"\\frac{M_t}{B_t}=e^{(\\bar{\\theta}-r-\\sigma \\sigma_M)(T-t)+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2_\\theta(T-t)^2}"
In this model:
– "\u03c3_\u03b8 =" Good uncertainty
–"\u03c3, \u03c3_M =" Bad uncertainty
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