Consider an economy with two firms. Firm 1 produces iron, employing workers and using machines to produce the iron. It sells the iron for K1500 to Firm 2, which produces roofing sheets. Firm 1 pays its workers K1000, leaving K500 in profit to the firm.
Firm 2 buys the iron and uses it, together with workers and machines, to produce roofing sheets. Revenues from car sales are K3000. Of the K3000, K1500 goes to pay for iron and K750 goes to workers in the firm, leaving K750 in profit to the firm.
The final value of goods produced is the amount the customer paid for a particular good and service and the amount that the firm has set after including all factors of production.
Here, The final value of Iron produced is K1500 and the final value of roofing sheets is K3000.
The total value added means the market price of the final good and service that is produced by the firm. It only counts production of goods and services in particular given period of time. The total value added is a basis at which the taxes are calculated for that particular goods and services.
Total Income means all the income of an individual after paying all the debts and deduction of all the taxes. Total income is the actual amount left with an individual after he paid all his debts and taxes. This income can be divided into expenditure, savings and investments.
The three complications in computing national income are:
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