The Cobb- Douglas production function is given by the form Y = ALαKβ
Where, Y = Output (mt/day), L = Labour (hours/mt) K = Capita (Rs/mt). By taking the natural logarithm of each term in the function, that is LnY = LnA+αLnL+βLnK. Using a standard multiple linear regression model the parameters of the function were obtained as follows;
Ln Y = 1.389 +0.8LnL + 0.6LnK
(0.53) (0.02) (0.04)
Elasticity of labour "=" "\\frac{dY}{DL}" "\\times" "\\frac{L}{Y}"
In Y "=" 1.388+0.8lnL + 0.6ln K
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. labour we get:
"\\frac{1}{Y}" "\\times" "\\frac{dY}{DL}=" "\\frac{0.8}{L}"
"\\frac{dY}{dL}=" "\\frac{0.8Y}{L}"
Putting this value in elasticity equation:
E(L)="\\frac{0.8Y}{L}" "\\times" "\\frac{L}{Y}"
Hence the change in the rate of labor leads to 0.8 change in the level of output
Elasticity of labor ="\\frac{dY}{dK}\\times\\frac{K}{Y}"
Differentiating output equation w.r.t to capital we get
Putting in elasticity equation we get;
Hence the change in the rate of capital leads to 0.6 change in the level of output.
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