Elaborate four reasons with examples that why GDP is still considered the most important indicator of well-being of people of a country.
Expert's answer
GDP is the most suitable measure for theoretical analysis in economics. This is due to what it comprises of: market value of all goods and services produced within a geographical region at a point in time.
It is also a good way of representing all spending within the economy for theoretical purposes. The other measures mentioned (NDP, NNP and NNI) either exclude a type of spending (i.e. depreciation - the amount of GNP required to purchase new goods to maintain existing stock in the case of NDP and NNP; and indirect taxes in the case of NNI), or include a form of spending that necessarily has to be excluded for theoretical purposes (i.e. overseas production by citizens and overseas income by citizens in the cases of GNP, NNP and NNI).
In addition to its relatively better ease of measurement, GDP is also the best measure when assessing short-term economic fluctuations that reflect the business cycle.
GDP is the only useful tool for measuring national development because there are great difficulties in identifying who owns what.
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