What determines the demand for loanable funds?
you can observe two maket forces demand for loanable funds and other hand supply for loanable funds.
1)Demand curve represent negative relationship between Interest rate and demand for loanable funds.
Meaning is that more demand - - - - - more investment
2) Demand for loanable funds curve
go down left to the right meaning is that higher loan's interest rate, the fewer firm want a loan.
So we can say the demand for loanable funds is based on the borrowing.
Three factors determines the demand for loanable funds.... These are following.....
A) Investment : Private and public sector need capital for investment on new capital goods and inventories
Investment more only at lower rates of rate of interest....... The demand for loanable funds for investment purposes rise with a fall in the rate of interest, or interest----elastic
B) Dis saving
Dis saving means consuming more than the income in the current period...... Thus negative saving.
Consumers are ready to purchase durable goods such as refrigerator, tv etc.
Thats why Dis saving is more at lower rate of interest and less at higher rate. No
C) Hoarding
Loanable funds are also demanded for hoarding purposes that is for the satisfaction of the desire of people hold money.
Near future they can use such amount in better way
The demand for loanable funds increase as the rate of interest fall.
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