Puan Siti Lela is a Malaysian and plans to visit Paris or New York to buy a Louis
Vuitton (LV) bag that cost uro $30,000 in Paris and USD28,000 in New York.
Assuming no cost in transfers or transportation. Which is a cheaper destination for
Puan Siti Lela to buy her LV handbag by showing your conversion calculation? How
many uros or USD does Puan Siti Lela need to pay for the LV handbag?
Expert's answer
Current exchange rate is:
1 USD = 0.89 euro or 1 euro = 1.13 USD.
So, €30,000 = 1.13×30,000 = $33,900 or $28,000 = 0.89×28,000 = €24,920.
That's why Puan Siti Lela should go to New York, where LV handbag is cheaper.
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