a.National Income=Gross National Product-Depreciation-Indirect taxes=1410-150-60=1200
b.Gross National Product=Gross Domestic Product-(Receipts of factor income from the rest of the world -Payments of factor)+ income to the rest of the world)=1390-(25-45)=1410
c.Gross Domestic Product=(Receipts of factor income from the rest of the world -Payments of factor)+ income to the rest of the world)+Indirect taxes+Corporate profits+Net interest+ Depreciation+Compensation of employees+Net business transfer payments+Amount of national income not going to households+Proprietor’s income-Personal income taxes+Rental income-Subsidies+Surplus of Governmental Enterprises=(25-45)+60+80+15+150+850+20+100+220-200+35-30+50=1390
d. Disposable Personal Income=National Income-Amount of national income not going to households-Personal income taxes=1200-100-200=900
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