a. Is t1 (marginal propensity to tax) greater or less than one? Explain.
The marginal propensity to tax is always less than "1." This is because it represents a fraction of the national income that is taken into taxation.
b. Solve for equilibrium output.
For a closed economy:
"Y = C + I + G""Y = c_0 + c_1Y^d + I + G"
"Y = c_0 + c_1(Y - T) + I + G"
"Y = c_0 + c_1(Y - t_0 + t_1Y) + I + G"
"Y - Y(c_1 + t_1) = c_0 - c_1t_0 + I + G"
"Y [1 - (c_1 + t_1) ] = c_0 - c_1t_0 + I + G"
"Y^* = \\dfrac{c_0 - c_1t_0 + I + G}{ [1 - (c_1 + t_1) ]}"
c. What is the multiplier? Does the economy respond more to changes in
autonomous spending when t1 is zero or when t1 is positive? Demonstrate.
When "t_1 = 0;" the multiplier becomes:
"\\dfrac{\\Delta Y^*}{\\Delta G} = \\dfrac{1}{1 - c_1}"
"1 - c_1>[1 - (c_1 + t_1) ]" . Therefore:
Thus, the economy will respond to more changes in autonomous spending when "t>0"
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