1. the country has a surplus on the current account
2. exports are less than imports
3. the country is consuming less than it is producing
4. the country is a net export
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30.03.20, 14:44
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29.03.20, 18:31
A.which of the following will increase the size of the multiplier 1.an
increase in government spending 2an increase in the marginal
propensity to consume 3an increase in the marginal propensity to save
4an increase in autonomous spending B.Equilbrium level of income is
that at which 1the budget is balanced 2the balance of payment is in
equilibrium 3the equilibrium is at full employment level of income
4there is no tendency of national income to change
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
A.which of the following will increase the size of the multiplier 1.an increase in government spending 2an increase in the marginal propensity to consume 3an increase in the marginal propensity to save 4an increase in autonomous spending B.Equilbrium level of income is that at which 1the budget is balanced 2the balance of payment is in equilibrium 3the equilibrium is at full employment level of income 4there is no tendency of national income to change
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