Stimulating monetary policy is carried out during a recession, with the aim of
“Invigorating” the economy, stimulating the growth of business activity (stimulation
AD) and is used as a means of combating unemployment. Stimulating
monetary policy is to implement measures by the Central Bank to increase
money offers:
• decrease in reserve requirements
• lower refinancing rate
• purchase by the Central Bank of government securities from firms and households
Restraining monetary policy is carried out during the boom, “overheating”
economy, aimed at reducing business activity (containment AD) and
regarded as a means of combating inflation. Restraining Monetary Policy
consists in the use by the Central Bank of measures to reduce the supply of money:
• increase in reserve requirements
• increase in the refinancing rate
• sale by the Central Bank of government securities.
1) 2)
1)Stimulating monetary policy: AD shifts to the right AD1 to AD2, prices are rising and output is rising
2)Restraining monetary policy: AD moves to the left AD2 to AD1, prices are falling and output is falling
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