A.if GDP is less than GDE then......a.The country has a surplus on the content account b.Experts are less than imports.cThe country is consuming less than it is producing.4 The country is a net export B.Which of the following countries have the highest inequality?important:change all the values to the same measurement,that is either change the Gini coefficients to Gini indexes(or vice versa)and then compare the values. 1Brazil with a Gini coefficient of 0,52. 2India with a Gini index of 33,3. 3 South Africa with a Gini coefficient of 0,65 .4China with a Gini index of 37,0
Expert's answer
A. If GDP is less than GDE then exports are less than imports, so the correct answer is b.
B. The highest inequality is in China, because it has the highest Gini coefficient. So, the correct answer is 4.
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