Year return (HPY) of C return (HPY) of F
2016 −18.00% −14.50%
2017 33.00% 21.80%
2018 15.00 % 30.50%
2019 −0.50% −7.60%
2020 27.00% 26.30%
Calculate the geometric rate of return for each stock during the 5-year period. (6mks)
Calculate the standard deviation of returns for each stock. (10mks)
Calculate the coefficient of variation for each stock. (2mks)
If you are a risk-averse investor then, assuming these are your only choices, discuss whether you would prefer to hold Stock C or Stock F. (2mks)
geometric rate of return for each stock:
"Var (C)=\\frac{\\sigma}{\\bar{x}}=59.49"
"Var (F)=\\frac{\\sigma}{\\bar{x}}=40.77"
The higher the coefficient of variation, the higher the risk is considered, so securities are preferred F
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