1. What management skills do you think would be most important for Howard Schultz to have? Why? What skills do you think would be most important for a Starbucks store manager to have? Why? (10 Marks) 2. Choose three of the current trends and issues facing managers and explain how Starbucks might be impacted. What might be the implications for first-line managers? Middle managers? Top managers? (10 Marks) 3. Give examples of how Howard Schultz might perform the interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. (10 Marks) 4. Look at Howard Schultz’s philosophy of Starbucks. How will this affect the way the company is managed? (10 Marks) 5. Go to the company’s Web site [www.starbucks.com] and find the list of senior officers. Pick one of those positions and describe what you think that job might involve. Try to envision what types of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling this person would have to do. (10 Marks)
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