1. Student - teams achievement divisions (STAD) can be implemented by forming students into groups of four or five members representing the students with the skills and different genders. A question is provided requiring all group members to participate and master the content. Therefore students perform tests on materials given working on their own without help from other students.
2. Group investigation (GI) method - this method focuses on students participation and activity, student's integration, interaction and communication in classroom. Students are trained to work with other group members to achieve set objectives. It involves six steps which include identifying the topic and organizing students into groups, planning learning assignments, understanding, investigation, developing the final report, presenting the final report and assessment.
3. Jigsaw method - is a method where each group specialize in one specific aspect of a particular topic.
4. Think pair share (peer tutoring) strategy - it involves learners working in pairs. The learners study the lesson content, read it, pair with a partner and share what he/ she has learnt from it.
Prints of departure
Before planning for any corporative teaching strategy its good to adhere to the following fundamental principles;
- Social transformation
-Active and critical thinking
- High level of knowledge and skills.
-Human rights
-Inclusivity, environmental and social justice
Examples of a role play and simulation methods. A teacher introduces grade 9 learners to the EMS topic in their textbooks on different role played in the South African economy. The teachers present a lesson on the topic and explains the roles and functions of each player in the economy. The teacher introduces learner to different roles such as consumers, business people, government, banking, trade unions and informed sectors. All role players must defend their position in South African economy. They must argue about how each contribute to job creation and economic growth in South African.
- One should select some instruments such as tests, worksheets and assignments to measure whether the objectives have been achieved.
- Categories and organise your lesson objectives
-To compare the achievements of learners against formulated objectives.
- One should plan and write specific or intended lesson objectives to be achieved by the class
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