Marginal approach is the technique where additional benefit of an activity compared to the additional cost.Marginal approach maximazises billing companies at the expenses of group expenses.
b)As a consumption level increases marginal benefit decreases because the incremental amount of satisfaction associaated with additional consumption decreases.Thus the marginal benefit experienced by a consumer is hiegest for the first unit of consumption and declines thereafter.
c)The marginal cost is increasing at an increasing rate because as the output increases ,the total cost as well the variable cost increase.
d)Optimal labour
e)Limitations of marginal approach
-Difficulty in analysis .It may be very difficult in practise to segregate all cost into fixed and variable cost .
-The technique of marginal approach is difficult to apply in industries like ship building ,where the value of work in progress is large in proportion to turnover.
f)An alternative is absorption costing which allocates fixed ,overhead cost to each product.
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