Solutions consist of a solute dissolved into a solvent, e.g., a salt dissolved in water. There is often a need to quantify how much solute is present per unit solution volume. Concentration is most commonly expressed in terms of molarity (as molar or M), which is the number of moles (mol) per liter (L) of solution. A one molar solution can be expressed as follows:
1 M = 1 mol1 L or 1 molL
Use the PhET simulation to identify what happens to the concentrations of a dilute Drink mix mixture or a pure Drink mix solution for the following scenarios. A pure Drink mix solution can be obtained by draining all the mixture, then adding Drink mix to the container as a Solution (radio button in the upper right area of the simulation). Note that the Concentration meter can be placed toward the bottom of the container or in the stream of the Drink mix.
Drag the appropriate items to their respective bins.
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