a container with 24litres of nitrogen at 2 atm and another container with 12litre of oxygen gas at 2atm the temprature of the both gases is 273.15k. if the both gases are mixed in 10litre container what ar the partial pressure of nitrogen and oxygen in the resulting mixture
Expert's answer
Solution: Given: V1 = 24L P1 = 2atm V2 = 12L P2 = 2atm V3 = 10L T1 = T2 = T3 = T = 273.15K Question: p(N2), p(O2) - ? Solution: Let’s write ideal gas law for nitrogen in the first container and for oxygen in the second container: P1*V1 = ν(N2)*R*T P2*V2 = ν(O2)*R*T That’s why: ν(N2) = P1*V1/(R*T) ν(O2) = P2*V2/(R*T) Let’s write ideal gas law for nitrogen and for oxygen in the third container: p(N2)*V3 = ν(N2)*R*T ⇒ p(N2) = ν(N2)*R*T/V3 = P1*V1/V3 = 2*24/10 = 4.8 (atm) p(O2)*V3 = ν(O2)*R*T ⇒ p(O2) = ν(O2)*R*T/V3 = P2*V2/V3 = 2*12/10 = 2.4 (atm) Answer: p(N2) = 4.8atm p(O2) = 2.4atm
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