The lowest wave number absorption line in the rotational spectrum of 14N16O molecule is found at 3.440 cm-1.
(a) Calculate the corresponding frequency of absorption.
(b) Which are the two energy levels involved in the transition?
(c) What is the value of the rotational constant (B) in m-1 unit?
(d) Calculate the moment of inertia for oxide molecule.
(f) Calculate the bond length (r) of nitric nitric oxide molecule.
(e) Calculate the reduced mass of nitric oxide molecule in pm unit.
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17.02.14, 11:26
plz solve this question The lowest wave number absorption line in the
rotational spectrum of 14N16O molecule is found at 3.440 cm-1. (a)
Calculate the corresponding frequency of absorption. (b) Which are the
two energy levels involved in the transition? (c) What is the value of
the rotational constant (B) in m-1 unit? (d) Calculate the moment of
inertia for oxide molecule. (f) Calculate the bond length (r) of
nitric nitric oxide molecule. (e) Calculate the reduced mass of nitric
oxide molecule in pm unit.
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plz solve this question The lowest wave number absorption line in the rotational spectrum of 14N16O molecule is found at 3.440 cm-1. (a) Calculate the corresponding frequency of absorption. (b) Which are the two energy levels involved in the transition? (c) What is the value of the rotational constant (B) in m-1 unit? (d) Calculate the moment of inertia for oxide molecule. (f) Calculate the bond length (r) of nitric nitric oxide molecule. (e) Calculate the reduced mass of nitric oxide molecule in pm unit.
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