The half life is the time required for the concentration to drop to one-half its original value. 2 minutes is 2*60= 120 sec.
If you have 120 sec and time of half life, you can calculate number of concentration decreasing to one-half of its previous value.
120 sec / 32 sec = 3.75 and it means that you need divide original concentration on 2 3.75 times to get 0.062 M, so
[C]/2^3.75 = 0.062 M
[C]/13.45 = 0.062 M
[C] = 0.062 M*13.75
[C] = 0.8525 M
Dear Candace Haudenschild, thank you very much
I think that 2 x 60 is 120. So you would have less than 5 half lives. More like 3.75. So you could use the integrated rate law for a first order reaction.
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The half-life for a first-order reaction is 32 sec.What was the original concentration if,after 2.0 minuites, the concentration is 0.062 M ?
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