I am making a liquid lens for a digital slr camera, where voltage being applied to the liquid lens, changes the focal length of the lens.
My design is that a stainless steel tubing will be in between two glass lens. Inside the tube, at the bottom will be water, which is electrically conductive, which is covered by mineral oil, which is non conductive.
The oil will sit on top of the water and the interior of the tubing is covered with teflon tape, which is hydrophobic, meaning the water molecules will arrange itself to make at least contact with the tape as possible, and the shape that is mostly made is a water droplet, so the water here will have a miniscus.
This is when the lens is upright, meaning its lying on its glass lens. If I change the orientation of the lens, so its parallel to the ground to fit on a camera, will the oil and teflon tape keep the water and oil in the same position or will the water and oil shift around in the tubing? This is for my senior capstone project.
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