II) Find bond order for Be2.
III) Illustrate with an example each of the following with respect to co-ordination
a) ionisation isomerism
b) geometrical isomerism
c) optical isomerism
IV) Write the possible isomers of the formula C5H10O2.
V) Explain the following terms-
a) Enantiomer
b) Diastereomers
c) Racemic mixture
Bond order is zero of Be2.
Ionisation isomer = which have different number of ions.
[co(nh3)5en)Cl and Co(Nh3)4cl]en
Geometrical isomer= grouping should be different as each centres.
Optical isomer= orientation differ in 3-D space
Enatiomer= mirror image
Diasteromers= not mirror image
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