x mol/dm3 of CH3NH2(aq) was added
1*10-7 mol/dm3 Cd2+(aq) left
9.99*10-5 mol/dm3 of Cd2+(aq) and 3.996*10-4 mol/dm3 of CH3NH2(aq) reacted
9.99*10-5 mol/dm3 of [Cd(CH3NH2)4]2+(aq) formed
(x-3.996*10-4) mol/dm3 of CH3NH2(aq) left
3*106 = (9.99*10-5)/(1*10-7*(x-3.996*10-4)4)
x-3.996*10-4 = 0.1351
x=0.1355 mol/dm3 - concentration of CH3NH2(aq) needed
Dear Mary post a new task
In a Hettorf cell, a solution of cadmium iodide, CdI2, having a molality, m, of 7.545 x 10-3 mol kg-1, was electrolyzed. In a coulometer that is series with the Hittorf cell the mass of Cd deposited at the cathode was 0.03462 g. Solution with a mass of 152.64 g was withdrawn from the anode compartment and was found to contain 0.3718 g of CdI2. Calculate the transport numbers of Cd2+ and I-.
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