The molecule gives a arotational spectrum (is micriwave active) only if it has a permanent dipole moment.
2.HBr is heteronuclear diatomic molecule. The molecule is linear. The molecule is polar as bond is formed between two atoms of different electronegativity. Hence the molecule is microwave active.
3.CO2 is a linear molecule. Each bond C=O has a dipole moment as this bond is formed by two atoms different in electronegativity. But the net dipole moment of a molecule is zero as two dipole moments cancel out. Hence CO2 is microwave inactive.
4.CS2 is a linear molecule. Each bond C=S has a dipole moment as this bond is formed by two atoms different in electronegativity. But the net dipole moment of a molecule is zero as two dipole moments cancel out. Hence CS2 is microwave inactive.
5.NO is heteronuclear diatomic molecule. The molecule is linear. The molecule is polar as bond is formed between two atoms of different electronegativity. Hence the molecule is microwave active.
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