You want to determine the amount of Phycocyanin in a 500 mg herbal tablet. Before analysis by UV-Vis spectroscopy, five Phycocyanin tablets (each 500 mg) were crushed in a pestle and mortar. 1.2 g of the crushed tablets were then dissolved in 100 ml of ethanol. 50 ml of the solution was filtered to remove undissolved particles. 2 ml of the filtered solution was then diluted by a factor of 10 (i.e., dilution factor is 10). The diluted sample was analysed using UV-Vis spectroscopy and had an absorbance of 0.324. Show each calculation step clearly.
What was the amount in mg of Phycocyanin in a 500 mg tablet?
What is the percent (%w/w) of Phycocyanin in a tablet?
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