sir can you please provide me all the conditions or laws to form a allotrope of carbon
Expert's answer
This question cannot have the clear answer. The only rule which determines the structure of crystals is the Schrödinger equation, which cannot be analytically solved for systems with more than one electron. The various approximations and semi-quantative methods to describe the electron properties of molecules are known at this time, but if you need the precise answer, you should make calculations ab initio ("from the beginning"). Such calculations can be carried out only on modern cluster computers and require a lot of time.
Dear Sandeep! You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you really
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15.03.14, 09:33
thank you sir thank u very much
Assignment Expert
14.03.14, 18:47
K. I. Ramachandran, Gopakumar Deepa, Krishnan Namboori, Computational
Chemistry and Molecular Modeling: Principles and Applications,
Springer, 2008
20.02.14, 16:24
ok thanks for your help sir can u please let me know that where can i
get the example(in any book or site)in detail thank you
Assignment Expert
18.02.14, 16:39
The result of such calculations is a very large in size log and the
optimized geometry of structure represented in z-matrix or in some
other forms. The computing calculation are very complex. They are
based on quantitative solving of Schrodinger equation.
01.02.14, 11:32
thank u for answering my question sir can u please provide me one
example of the calculation and details explaination thank you
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Dear Sandeep! You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you really liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
thank you sir thank u very much
K. I. Ramachandran, Gopakumar Deepa, Krishnan Namboori, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling: Principles and Applications, Springer, 2008
ok thanks for your help sir can u please let me know that where can i get the example(in any book or site)in detail thank you
The result of such calculations is a very large in size log and the optimized geometry of structure represented in z-matrix or in some other forms. The computing calculation are very complex. They are based on quantitative solving of Schrodinger equation.
thank u for answering my question sir can u please provide me one example of the calculation and details explaination thank you
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