the reaction of cf2=cf2 with the(co) 12 gives colorless crystalline compound a ( c : 26.5 % f : 41.7 % fe : 15.4% ) the infrared spectrum of a shows bands at 2160,2108,2088 and 2055 cm the mass spectrum includes peaks at m/e values of 368, 340,312,284,256, and 162 ( the most intense peak ) the first five of these peaks correspond ( from the isotope pattern ) to iron-containing ions , but the peak at 162 does not contain iron the 19f nmr spectrum of a consists of two equal-area multiplets at 9.25 and 73.95 ppm upfield of benzo trifluoride the molecular mass of the compound was estimated from 19f nmr measurements and by x-ray crystallography to be 373 identify compound a and suggest its structure [c=12, f=19, fe =55.8, o=16 the most abundant isotope of iron has mass 56 ]
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