1. What is the inference and observations of the reactions below
a. Fecl3 + H20
b.reaction 1. above + HCL
c. result of reaction 2 above then heated +concentrated HNO3 and heat
d. result of reaction 3 above + NH4CL AND NH4OH
2. solution of Fecl3+H20+H202+ HEAT
Expert's answer
a. Observation: The reaction takes place in hot water. Like standard hydrolysis reactions, interaction of iron(III) chloride with water takes place in stages.
First iron(III) chloride dissociates. Then the iron cation interacts with water. Precipitate Fe(OH)3 forms.
Inference: The hydrolysis reaction of iron(III) chloride takes place reversibly.
b. Observation: The precipitate is dissolved.
Inference: The reaction takes place reversibly.
c. Observation: The gas is released.
Inference: The reaction takes place inreversibly.
d. Observation: The gas NH3 with an unpleasant odor is released.
Inference: The reaction takes place inreversibly.
2. Observation: A mixture of salts and gas is formed.
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10.12.18, 16:40
1. if impure benzoic acid was dissolved in hot water and the container
is dipped in cold water immediately instead of allowing it cool
slowly. what is the outcome of cooling the solution in this manner 2.
a. how to calculate the percentage yield in a reaction like this in a
solubility test b. how to calculate the percentage used in a reaction
like this in a solubility reaction
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Dear Abdulhameed Questions in this section are answered for free. We can't fulfill them all and there is no guarantee of answering certain question but we are doing our best. And if answer is published it means it was attentively checked by experts. You can try it yourself by publishing your question. Although if you have serious assignment that requires large amount of work and hence cannot be done for free you can submit it as assignment and our experts will surely assist you.
1. if impure benzoic acid was dissolved in hot water and the container is dipped in cold water immediately instead of allowing it cool slowly. what is the outcome of cooling the solution in this manner 2. a. how to calculate the percentage yield in a reaction like this in a solubility test b. how to calculate the percentage used in a reaction like this in a solubility reaction
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