10. a) Arrive at the Lewis structure of XeF4 using the steps given in Unit 3.
b) Predict the hybridization state of each carbon atom in allene which has the following
CH2 = C = CH2
c) Calculate the number of normal modes of vibration for the following compounds:
i) H2O
ii) HBr
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Arun Rawat
20.02.19, 07:41
(a) Give the name and the symbol of the SI unit of the electric
conductance. (b) What do the following sub-multiples represent? (i)
10-12 (ii) 10-15 (c) Give one example each for the following types of
catalysis: (i) Homogeneous catalysis (ii) Heterogeneous catalysis
(iii) Enzyme catalysis
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Dear Arun Rawat Questions in this section are answered for free. We can't fulfill them all and there is no guarantee of answering certain question but we are doing our best. And if answer is published it means it was attentively checked by experts. You can try it yourself by publishing your question. Although if you have serious assignment that requires large amount of work and hence cannot be done for free you can submit it as assignment and our experts will surely assist you.
(a) Give the name and the symbol of the SI unit of the electric conductance. (b) What do the following sub-multiples represent? (i) 10-12 (ii) 10-15 (c) Give one example each for the following types of catalysis: (i) Homogeneous catalysis (ii) Heterogeneous catalysis (iii) Enzyme catalysis
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