20cm3 of a gaseous hydrocarbon X were exploded with 120cm3 of oxygen. After d explosion the volume of gases remaining was 90cm3 and this decreased to 50cm3 on treatment with aqueous potassium hydroxide. Calculate the molecular formula of X
Expert's answer
Answer 1) The gases remaining after the reaction are CO₂ and O₂, otherwise the solution is not possible. 2) 90 – 50 = 40cm3 CO₂. 3) 50 cm3 O₂ left. 4) 120 – 50 = 70 cm3 O₂ reacted. 5) We compose the reaction equation: 6) 2CₓHᵧ + 7O₂ = 4CO₂ + 6 H₂O. X=2; y=6; C₂H₆ - ethane.
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