Explain the meaning of the following words :
reducing nature
acidic nature
thermal stability
Expert's answer
Volatility is a property of substance to vaporize. Since high volatile compounds have weak intermolecular interaction, they exhibit high vapor pressure and low boiling point. Reducing nature is a characteristic of element to lose an electron upon interaction with another atom. Acidic nature or acidity is a characteristic of compound, which shows a tendency to produce proton upon dissolving of substance. For organic and mineral acids, acidity can be estimated by using value of dissociation constant for R-H bond. Thermal stability is the stability of molecules upon heating. Compounds having low thermal stability are decomposed at low temperature, and substances with high thermal stability are stable upon heating and they can be sublimated or distillated.
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26.07.15, 09:21
experts, can you please explain me reducing nature with example
because i have studied some where that reducing nature means to
liberate H+ ion . so please clear my doubt.
awesome explanation.. thanks..
24.07.15, 20:36
NH2OH is passed through FE(OH)2
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Dear manisha, You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you really liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you! Please use panel for submitting new questions
experts, can you please explain me reducing nature with example because i have studied some where that reducing nature means to liberate H+ ion . so please clear my doubt.
NH2OH is passed through FE(OH)2
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