Derive an expression for the entrophy change for isothermal mixing of ideal gas
The work done by the gas is W = ∫PdV.
PV = NkT. The temperature is constant so P = constant/V.
W = NkT∫(1/V)dV = NkT ln(Vf/Vi) = NkT ln(1 + V2/V1).
ΔU = ΔQ - ΔW. U = internal energy, Q = heat put into the system, W = work done by the system.
ΔU = 0, since the temperature is constant.
ΔQ = ΔW = NkT ln(1 + V2/V1).
ΔS = ΔQr/T = Nk ln(1 + V2/V1).
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