There's no nodal surface at infinity. For any particular distance from
the nucleus there is corresponding value of the wave function. At a
very large distance value of the wave function will tend to zero, but
will never reach it - even at a distance of 1 km or 1,000 miles from
the nucleus the wave function will have non-zero value. In practice,
its value is neglected, but there is no nodal surface: probability of
being at a nodal surface is zero.
20.06.13, 07:26
but sir, won't we consider the node at infinity?
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There's no nodal surface at infinity. For any particular distance from the nucleus there is corresponding value of the wave function. At a very large distance value of the wave function will tend to zero, but will never reach it - even at a distance of 1 km or 1,000 miles from the nucleus the wave function will have non-zero value. In practice, its value is neglected, but there is no nodal surface: probability of being at a nodal surface is zero.
but sir, won't we consider the node at infinity?
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