why in PH titration we do not use referance electrode ?it just PH electrode as indecator electrode please explain that .
Expert's answer
Most often used pH electrodes are glass electrodes.Typical model is made of glass tube ended with small glass bubble. Inside ofthe electrode is usually filled with buffered solution of chlorides in which silver wire covered with silver chloride is immersed. pH of internal solution varies - for example it can be 1.0 (0.1M HCl) or 7.0 (different buffers used by different producers). The role of the reference electrode in any electrochemical cell is to provide a stable half-cell potential.
please in electrochemical we use 2 electrode one referance and other
is indicator but if we use PH electrode we just use it without anther
electroe I think it use as indecator electrode Where the referance
electrode please explain
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please in electrochemical we use 2 electrode one referance and other is indicator but if we use PH electrode we just use it without anther electroe I think it use as indecator electrode Where the referance electrode please explain
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