The daily dose of ampicillin is 115mg/kg of body weight. If you give 1.525g of ampicillin to a patient, what is the patient’s weight in pounds?
Expert's answer
The daily dose of ampicillin is 115mg/kg of body weight. If you give 1.525g of ampicillin to a patient, what is the patient’s weight in pounds? Answer: 115 mg/kg = 0.115 g/kg therefore 1.525 / 0.115 = 13.261 kg 1 kg = 2.2046 pounds 13.261 x 2.2046 = 29.2352 pounds
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17.09.18, 20:42
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07.09.18, 03:13
Dry sand has a density of 1.5 g cm^-3. A child’s sandbox, measuring
4ft by 5ft, is filled with sand to a depth of 6in. What is the mass of
the sand in kg? In lb?
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Dry sand has a density of 1.5 g cm^-3. A child’s sandbox, measuring 4ft by 5ft, is filled with sand to a depth of 6in. What is the mass of the sand in kg? In lb?
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