1. (a) If air is compressed to 200atm and cooled to 12°C in the first part of the Linde method and then allowed to expand to 1atm what is the absolute cooling value?
(b) Would the final temperature be the same as the (original T – cooling effect value)?
(c) If a second and third compression-expansion cycles are performed what are the new temperatures of the air at the end of each cycle (using an exchange defect of 8 °C)?
(d) In the second Linde method liquid ammonia (bp -33.34°C) is used in place of water for cooling and the expansion occurs from 200 to 40atm. What is the theoretical final temperature after one compression-expansion cycle?
(e) How is this beneficial for running an air liquefaction plant?
(f) Why is O2 paramagnetic?
(g) What principles are involved in distillation/ air fractionation?
(h) Besides separation of rare gases based on b.p what other methods are used in the distillation process?
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