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06.06.18, 21:16
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Chloe Lozano
06.06.18, 20:45
A balloon contains 46.3 L of Helium at 42 oC, and 2.01 atm is released
into the air. At a certain altitude, the temperature falls to 21 oC,
and the pressure falls to 0.25 atm. What is the volume of the balloon
under these conditions? A. 3.5 L B. 35.0 L C. 347.5 L D. 3475.0 L E.
None of the Above
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Dear visitor, please use panel for new questions.
A balloon contains 46.3 L of Helium at 42 oC, and 2.01 atm is released into the air. At a certain altitude, the temperature falls to 21 oC, and the pressure falls to 0.25 atm. What is the volume of the balloon under these conditions? A. 3.5 L B. 35.0 L C. 347.5 L D. 3475.0 L E. None of the Above
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