1. The activity series of metals arranges all metals in order of their_____ chemical activity. A chemical reaction between a metal and a solution of a salt takes place if the salt solution contains ions of elements which are ____ the metal in the activity series of metals. With diluted acids can react those metals which are _____ hydrogen in activity series of metals. The reaction between silver and diluted nitric acid is not possible, because silver is ______ hydrogen in activity series of metals.
2. The main sources of hydrocarbons are ______ and ______. Natural gas consists of alkanes with less than five carbons. Petroleum contains hundreds of differeent _________ mostly alkanes, but also _______ compound are present. Various compoents of petroleum are obtained by physical methods like________ and are used as lubrication oils and greases. Natural gas and petroleum are crucially important to our civilization.
Thanks in advance.
Expert's answer
1. The activity series of metals arranges all metals in order of their decreasing chemical activity. A chemical reaction between a metal and a solution of a salt takes place if the salt solution contains ions of elements which are lower the metal in the activity series of metals. With diluted acids can react those metals which are above hydrogen in activity series of metals. The reaction between silver and diluted nitric acid is not possible, because silver is below hydrogen in activity series of metals. 2. The main sources of hydrocarbons are petroleum and natural gas_. Natural gas consists of alkanes with less than five carbons. Petroleum contains hundreds of different hydrocarbons mostly alkanes, but also inorganic compound are present. Various components of petroleum are obtained by physical methods like rectification and are used as lubrication oils and greases. Natural gas and petroleum are crucially important to our civilization.
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Assignment Expert
19.07.17, 19:08
Dear ozzy, thank you for your comment.
18.07.17, 21:43
" The main sources of hydrocarbons are coal and natural gas_." Why did
you choose coal and natural gas as the most abundant sources of
hydrocarbon. Surely petroleum is the main source compared to the other
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Dear ozzy, thank you for your comment.
" The main sources of hydrocarbons are coal and natural gas_." Why did you choose coal and natural gas as the most abundant sources of hydrocarbon. Surely petroleum is the main source compared to the other two.
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