During the distillation of a mixture of two miscible liquids with very different boiling points, the temperature rises to a constant reading and before returning to a higher reading. Explain the likely cause of this fluctuation in temperature readings.then drops off
Expert's answer
Upon heating of the mixture the liquid with lower boiling point is distillated first. Its vapors goes up and heats the thermometer, therefore, the first constant reading is observed. Then, when this liquid is finished, the temperature rises to the boiling point of the second substance. The reading remains constant, unless the larger part of the second substance is distillated. After this the temperature reading falls down because there are almost no more vapors of the second liquid which heats the thermometer.
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Assignment Expert
04.11.15, 20:39
Dear kenneth, please use panel for submitting new questions.
04.11.15, 18:58
4.50g of sulphuric acid was titrated with an impure solution of 5.24g
of sodium hydroxide contained in 1dm3. If the titre values of the
experiment were 20.50, 22.45, 22.60 . Determine the molar
concentration of the sodium hydroxide
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Dear kenneth, please use panel for submitting new questions.
4.50g of sulphuric acid was titrated with an impure solution of 5.24g of sodium hydroxide contained in 1dm3. If the titre values of the experiment were 20.50, 22.45, 22.60 . Determine the molar concentration of the sodium hydroxide
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