What are alkali metals? Why do these metals not occur in free state in nature? List the principal ores of alkali metals.
Expert's answer
Alkali metals are: - Lithium (Li); - Sodium (Na); - Potassium (K); - Rubidium (Rb); - Cesium (Cs); - Francium (Fr). All alkali metals have their outmost electron in the s-orbital. This pre-determines their high chemical reactivity. So that alkali metals cannot be find in the environment in the free state. The principal ores of alkali metals are: - Lithium (Li) - Petalite, lepidolite; - Sodium (Na) – Sodium chloride, Borax; - Potassium (K) – Sylime, Carnallite; - Rubidium (Rb) - Lepidolite; - Cesium (Cs) - Pollucite; - Francium (Fr) – trace element in the Uranium and Thorium ores.
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15.09.15, 17:03
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jagan nath
15.09.15, 16:34
why is berylium hydride polymeric in nature ? dISCUSS THE STRUCTURE OF
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Dear jagan nath, please use panel for submitting new questions. Also you can read the answer [url=https://www.assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers/chemistry/general-chemistry/question-54599/]here[/url].
why is berylium hydride polymeric in nature ? dISCUSS THE STRUCTURE OF POLYMERIC BERYLIUM HYDRIDE
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